Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Never Believe Anything Bad About God

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Patience is not simply the ability to wait - it's how we behave while we're waiting. - Joyce Meyer

This post has been a long time in the making but...TODAY was my first day on my new job as an Instructional Coach with the NC New Teacher Support Program through Fayetteville State University. Y'all I get to coach beginning teachers and impact not only those teachers but the students they teach!!! #winning #probablywontgetcussedoutasmuch
This job and even the wait to find that "right" position was a GOD thing. Multiple times since this MayI have been verbally offered positions or made it all the way to the final interview to discover that the position couldn't officially be offered or was filled by someone else. I began to doubt God's promises and whether I had heard him correctly when he told me it was time to leave my previous school/position. I felt maybe I was walking through this period of unanswered prayers because of mistakes I had made or that I hadn't done enough to please God (I know...I know...this walk is not about performance or perfection but when you wallow you don't always think rationally).
So on Wednesday, January 8th I attended our church's prayer session and Pastor Glenn spoke about praying and praying in God's name and with God's authority. I spoke the same prayer as usually but added that it will be done in HIS name and by HIS authority. I even allowed a friend to pray with me (I avoid feeling out of control and contact as much as I can at church😆...not a hugger). I truly walked away feeling more at peace than I have felt in awhile because that phrasing reminded me that there was nothing I could do or say to make my situation change. God has full authority over my life and only he could open the door for my next step and he did...the next morning I got the call.
There have been many of you who've helped me in countless ways over the past 6 months. I can't name each of you and I won't. Just know I appreciate each and every one of you. For my fellow valley walkers...keep walking. I am still waiting on more promises to be fulfilled and I know he won't let me down. He won't let you done either. Just focus on that testimony that he's building for you to be able to share with someone. (BTW...at last week's Prayer Service I spoke to a women who did just that and shared her story of hope with me.)
I listened to The Next Right Thing podcast this morning and Emily Freeman spoke about about how you should start your decision making and all thoughts with never believing anything bad about God. Honestly, I thought that God was punishing me or was showing me how if I would have performed better as a wife, mother, daughter, principal, etc. I would have arrived at my next right thing quicker.🤯
But what he actually did was give me time to get my home and girls in order, meet and reunite with some amazing folks at my side hustle job, time to get in the gym, time to let go, time to share hurts and concerns with my fellow valley girls...time to see that just because things do not happen when I want them to nor how I would have imagined...prayers do get answered and in this case ...in a much better way than when I tried to make it happened.
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God is good. I have to trust the process and realize that you can't get to a new and better version of yourself without revision (that is from an awesome sermon I listened to last night). I have decided to focus on not believing anything bad about God. I will focus on his promises for my life and know that just because it doesn't happen when and how I want it...It Will Still Happen Because He Is A Good Good God!

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Never Believe Anything Bad About God

Tuesday, January 21, 2020 This post has been a long time in the making but...TODAY was my first day on my new job as an Instructio...